News und Veranstaltungen

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Adamant Health für AMPlify - Beschleunigter US-Markteintritt Programm 2024 ausgewählt

Wir sind stolz darauf, dass Adamant Health eines von zwölf ausgewählten finnischen Gesundheitsunternehmen für das Programm AMPlify - Accelerated US Market Entry 2024 ist. Das von Business Finland in Zusammenarbeit mit der Mayo Clinic entwickelte Programm zielt darauf ab, finnische Gesundheitsunternehmen beim Zugang zum US-Markt zu unterstützen und ihre Markteinführungszeit zu verkürzen.

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Adamant Health in das NOME-Programm aufgenommen

Adamant Health wurde für das US MedTech-Programm 2024 des Nordic Mentor Network For Entrepreneurship ausgewählt. Die Aufnahme von Adamant Health in das Programm ist ein Beweis für unsere bahnbrechende Forschung und hochmoderne Technologie. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den erstklassigen Mentoren, die aus den besten Life-Science-Experten in den nordischen Ländern und den USA ausgewählt wurden.

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10x health technology from Finland

Tekniikan Maailma features ten Finnish health technology companies providing innovative solutions for the benefit of the patient – Adamant Health with its unique measurement and analysis service for Parkinson's disease being one of them.

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WANTED: Director of Finance and Operations

As the Director of Finance and Operations, you will play a critical role in shaping the financial and operational strategies of Adamant Health. This position offers a unique blend of financial management and operational involvement, making it ideal for those who thrive in a dynamic and evolving environment.

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World Parkinson's Day 2024

Today is World Parkinson's Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness for the disease and paying tribute to people living with the condition every day! Parkinson’s disease is the fastest-growing neurological disorder in the world, affecting people of all races and cultures.

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Parkinson's Awareness Month 2024

April marks Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing awareness about and elevating the conversation around Parkinson's disease, a neurological disorder that progressively impairs movement and function, affecting millions worldwide.

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Wanted: Software Developer – Cloud backend

Are you passionate about software development? Do you seek a meaningful job to help people suffering from Parkinson’s disease? We are looking for a Software Developer to join our diverse and passionate team of professionals to revolutionize the care of Parkinson's disease.

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Season's greetings 2023

2023 has been an exciting year for Adamant Health. With the year drawing to an end, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and support. As we pause to spend time with family and friends during the holidays, we wish you a happy, healthy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!

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World Movement Disorders Day 2023

Movement disorders can be especially difficult to diagnose, treat, and understand. In the next 30 years, there will be a strong increase in the number of people affected by movement disorders and that is why we are promoting #MoveDisorder awareness.

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New study on wearable monitoring of negative myoclonus available

A new study on wearable monitoring of negative myoclonus within the home environment is now available. The research was conducted in collaboration between the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University Hospital (KUH) - Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala (KYS), UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and Adamant Health.

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Gesucht: Software-Entwickler - Mobile

Adamant Health is growing and entering a new phase in its journey, and we are looking for a Software Developer to strengthen our team. In this role you are developing mobile applications enabling our unique Parkinson’s disease measurement, connecting data to our cloud service, and communicating analyzed information back to the patient.

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Adamant Health selected for Deep Tech Accelerator funding program

Adamant Health secures funding from Business Finland's Deep Tech Accelerator program for rapid market entry and targeted growth on international markets. The Deep Tech Accelerator funding will serve as a catalyst in accelerating Adamant Health's entry to selected European markets and drive our growth, particularly within our target customer segments.

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Adamant Health team is growing

After several successful recruitments during spring 2023, Adamant Health's team has been growing. Meet our team of 14 professionals dedicated to revolutionise the care of Parkinson's disease!

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April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month

April marks Parkinson’s Awareness Month, an opportunity to increase awareness about the condition and a time to acknowledge the tremendous strength and resilience of people living with the disease and to celebrate the contributions of individuals and organizations supporting efforts to find effective treatments and improve the management Parkinson’s disease.

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