World Parkinson's Day 2024

Today is World Parkinson's Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness for the disease and paying tribute to people living with the condition every day!

The first World Parkinson's Day was held in April 1997, set up by the European Parkinson’s Disease Association, today known as Parkinson’s Europe, and co-sponsored by the World Health Organization.

Parkinson’s disease is the fastest-growing neurological disorder in the world, affecting people of all races and cultures. Currently, there are 10 million diagnosed patients globally and the number is estimated to grow up to 25 million by 2050.

With our data-driven approach to managing Parkinson’s disease, we will continue to help patients by providing an accurate and clear picture of their condition to get the best treatment possible, improving their quality of life!


Benefits of objectively measuring Parkinson’s disease motor symptoms


Parkinson's Awareness Month 2024