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Tragbare Technologie zur objektiven Bewertung von Symptomen

In letzter Zeit hat sich ein Bedarf an objektiven Messungen zur Bewertung von Parkinson-Symptomen und der Wirksamkeit der Behandlung abgezeichnet. Die klinische Beurteilung wird bei der Diagnose und Behandlung der Krankheit weiterhin von entscheidender Bedeutung sein, aber auch moderne Technologien, einschließlich tragbarer Geräte und künstlicher Intelligenz, werden eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Früherkennung der Krankheit und der Verbesserung der Behandlungseffizienz spielen.

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Towards an evolution in Parkinson’s disease treatment: Modern technology and biomarkers

The annual congress of the European Academy of Neurology has become a premier platform for presenting cutting-edge neurological research and innovation, and exchanging knowledge. During this year's conference, a growing and active interest in the field of movement disorders, particularly Parkinson's disease, became evident with a clear call to evolve the way we diagnose and treat the disease.

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The evolution of Parkinson’s disease assessment methods

Parkinson’s disease presents clinicians with unique challenges with its progressive nature and varied symptomatology. Our latest white paper explores the evolution of PD assessment methods. It presents the transformative potential of objective measurements for making better-informed decisions to improve patient outcomes.

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What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

There are many different symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease and the order in which these develop and their severity is different for each individual. Usually, the symptoms start mildly and develop gradually. Parkinson's disease symptoms are distinguished between motor symptoms and non-motor symptoms.

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What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that is caused by the degeneration of nerve cells in the part of the brain called the substantia nigra, which controls movement, resulting in tremors, slowness of movement, rigidity, and impaired balance and coordination – the primary symptoms of the disease.

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Verbesserung des Dialogs zwischen Patienten und Ärzten durch detaillierte Symptomdaten

Bei der derzeitigen Praxis in der Behandlung von Parkinson-Patienten durch persönliche klinische Untersuchungen steht den Ärzten nur eine begrenzte Zeit für die Beobachtung und Untersuchung der Patienten zur Verfügung, und sie sind in hohem Maße auf die Berichte der Patienten über ihre Symptome und ihr allgemeines Wohlbefinden angewiesen.

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Bringing data-driven management for Parkinson’s disease to Germany

The DGN-Kongress in Berlin was the venue for this year’s annual meeting of the German Neurological Society from November 8 to 11, 2023. Launching its presence in Germany, Adamant Health participated for the first time as an advanced technology provider with a booth to promote our concept for accurate and detailed symptom measurement.

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Adding technology to tradition: the new gold standard for assessing Parkinson’s disease

We’ve just returned from this year’s International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Copenhagen and are strongly encouraged by the valuable and in-depth discussions we had there. We feel it is absolutely key to continue educating the market about the EMG signal’s role in quantifying the neurophysiological basis of motor symptoms and why it provides a more accurate picture.

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