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We’re hiring!

Are you looking to put your professional expertise to good use by helping people suffering from severe chronic conditions to live a better life? Are you in your element at a fast-growing startup, where you have the opportunity to truly make a change? Do you wish to further develop healthcare systems to serve those in need? If this sounds like you, we’d love to hear from you!

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New analytics transform the treatment of movement disorders

The treatment of Parkinson’s disease is currently based on short doctor’s appointments arranged a few times per year, during which patients talk about their symptoms and the doctor makes observations on the patient. As the symptoms may vary from day to day, prescribing medications based on appointments alone is challenging.

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A new service for the evaluation of movement disorders

Adamant Health Ltd is a health technology company founded in 2020 and it has its roots in medical physics research at the University of Eastern Finland. The company has developed a new measurement and analysis service to support evaluation of movement disorders, such as the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and myoclonus-epilepsies. Neurocenter Finland has supported the product development.

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Adamant Health on yksi viidestä tulevaisuuden tähdestä Kuopiosta

Hyvä idea vaatii aina hyvän tiimin ja huippuosaamista. Idean lisäksi tarvitaan joku, joka osaa kaupallistaa idean myytävään muotoon. Adamant Health auttaa ratkaisemaan tämän hetken kriittisiä haasteita liittyen terveyteen, ja on juuri siksi yksi alueemme tulevia tähtiä, kiteyttäää Business Kuopion yritysneuvoja Marja-Leena Laitinen.

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Adamant Health selected as one of the top 10 Finnish startups

Finland and the capital Helsinki, are regarded as Nordic hubs for innovation. The Finnish spirit and advocacy for collaboration is a potent combination – creating new ways of thinking and fresh ideas. EU Startups scoured this high-flying hub to identify early-stage startups with high potential. Adamant Health has been selected as one of the 10 startups to watch in 2022!

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Saara Rissanen awarded title of docent in the field of medical physics

Saara Rissanen was awarded the title of docent in the field of medical physics, especially neurophysiological measurements and motion analysis at the University of Eastern Finland. The award reflects Saara’s long academic career and research work especially in using electromyography (EMG) to measure and analyse movement disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

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Wearable technology can help in at-home assessment of myoclonic jerks

A new study by the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital shows that wearable sensor technology can be used to reliably assess the occurrence of myoclonic jerks in patients with epilepsy also in the home environment. The study was carried out by the New Modalities ecosystem funded by Business Finland, with Adamant Health being one partner focusing on software development.

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Adamant Health analysis algorithms CE marked for clinical use

The Adamant Health analysis module including the analysis algorithms used as part of the Adamant Health Measurement and Analysis Service were CE marked today according to EU MDD. The module is a key part of the service, which can from now on be used for clinical use in addition to research and clinical studies.

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Adamant Health redefines Parkinson’s disease analysis

Over 15 years of university research on Parkinson’s and other movement disorders has now empowered the next generation precision in the measurement and analysis of the diseases. Adamant Health transforms world-class academic research into real-life practical benefits for the Parkinson’s disease patients and neurologists.

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Liikeoireiden mittaus voi tarkentaa lääkitystä

Parkinsonin tautia sairastavan potilaan motorisia tilanvaihteluja, vapinaa ja tahattomia liikkeitä voidaan tarkkailla ja tallentaa kotioloissa uudella menetelmällä ensi vuonna, jos lupaprosessit sujuvat odotusten mukaan. Kyseessä on pintaelektrodeja ja muistitikun kokoisen mittalaitteen sisältävä laite, jota potilas pitää muutaman päivän kotonaan, yleensä käsivarressa. Laite mittaa lihasten sähköistä toimintaa ja siihen liittyviä liikeoireita kiihtyvyysanturin ja EMG-antureiden avulla.

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