News und Veranstaltungen

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World Movement Disorders Day 2023

Movement disorders can be especially difficult to diagnose, treat, and understand. In the next 30 years, there will be a strong increase in the number of people affected by movement disorders and that is why we are promoting #MoveDisorder awareness.

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News Sabine Doms News Sabine Doms

New study on wearable monitoring of negative myoclonus available

A new study on wearable monitoring of negative myoclonus within the home environment is now available. The research was conducted in collaboration between the University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University Hospital (KUH) - Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala (KYS), UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology and Adamant Health.

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News Sabine Doms News Sabine Doms

Wearable technology can help in at-home assessment of myoclonic jerks

A new study by the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital shows that wearable sensor technology can be used to reliably assess the occurrence of myoclonic jerks in patients with epilepsy also in the home environment. The study was carried out by the New Modalities ecosystem funded by Business Finland, with Adamant Health being one partner focusing on software development.

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