Meet us at the Neurologipäivät 2023

Datum: 1-3 November 2023
Ort: Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa, Kalastajatorpantie 1, 00330 Helsinki

Adamant Health is participating in the Neurologipäivät 2023, organized by the Suomen Neurologinen Yhdistys ry. The Neurologipäivät 2023 will cover acute neurology and the treatment of long-term neurological diseases.

Adamant Health has developed the first, advanced precision technology able to objectively measure the visible and invisible motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Our technology uses a small, wearable device to continuously measure both neuromuscular signals and motor symptoms and provides a detailed report helping clinicians to make more informed treatment decisions for their patients.

Meet us at the Neurologipäivät 2023 to learn more about our data-driven approach for managing Parkinson’s disease, and how it will help people with Parkinson’s to get the best treatment possible – improving their quality of life!

Wir freuen uns Sie in Helsinki zu sehen!


New study on wearable monitoring of negative myoclonus available


Meet us at the 96. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie