Signal features of surface electromyography in advanced Parkinson’s disease during different settings of deep brain stimulation

Clinical Neurophysiology 2015:126:2290–2298 – S. Rissanen, V. Ruonala, E. Pekkonen, M. Kankaanpää, O. Airaksinen, P. Karjalainen

Electromyography (EMG) and acceleration (ACC) measurements are potential methods for quantifying efficacy of deep brain stimulation (DBS) treatment in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The treatment efficacy depends on the settings of DBS parameters (pulse amplitude, frequency and width). This study quantified, if EMG and ACC signal features differ between different DBS settings and if DBS effect is unequal between different muscles.


Nonlinear parameters of surface electromyogram for diagnostics of neuromuscular disorders and normal conditions of the human motor system


Autonomic nervous system response to L-Dopa in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease