Analysis of EMG and acceleration signals for quantifying the effects of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2011:58(9):2545-2553 – S. Rissanen, M. Kankaanpää, M. Tarvainen, V. Novak, P. Novak, K. Hu, B. Manor, P. Karjalainen

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is effective in reducing motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, objective methods for quantifying its efficacy are lacking. We present a principal component (PC)-based tracking method for quantifying the effects of DBS in PD by using electromyography (EMG) and acceleration measurements. Ten parameters capturing PD characteristic signal features were initially extracted from isometric EMG and acceleration recordings. Using a PC approach, the original parameters were transformed into a smaller number of PCs. Finally, the effects of DBS were quantified by examining the PCs in a low-dimensional feature space. The EMG and acceleration data from 13 PD patients with DBS ON and OFF, and 13 healthy age-matched controls were used for analysis. Clinical evaluation of patients showed that their motor symptoms were effectively reduced with DBS. The analysis results showed that the signal characteristics of 12 patients were more similar to those of the healthy controls with DBS ON than with DBS OFF. These observations indicate that the PC-based tracking method can be used to objectively quantify the effects of DBS on the neuromuscular function of PD patients. Further studies are suggested to estimate the clinical sensitivity of the method to different types of PD.


EMG and acceleration signal analysis for quantifying the effects of medication in Parkinson’s disease


Discrimination of EMG and acceleration measurements between patients with Parkinson’s disease and healthy controls